Day 264: Odiham to Hill Brow
We had a fantastically slow morning, which may have been a little related to the large number of empty wine bottles we had to clear out. Thanks to Boo and Gavin for welcoming us home so well. We were able to take a nice slow stomp around the estate with Boo and a menagerie of labradors.
Boo entertaining her students in the manège
Leaving the yard in formation
The wilds of Hampshire
Arriving at Chancery House
We made it to Hill Brow above Liss relatively quickly, as it’s not exactly very far, and we’re being well entertained by the Brownes now, and my sister Sue.
Hugs and spaniels all round
Tomorrow is out last day — we head to Worthing and the finish line of our whole journey. 15,400 kilometres done, 265 days and tomorrow our journey is over.