Day 265: Hill Brow to Worthing
/The finish line
We’ve made it, after nine months we’ve traveled by bicycle from Melbourne to Worthing and arrived exactly on schedule. I can’t quite believe it!
It’s been an amazing nine months with so many great people, incredible places and fantastic days of discovery. I’m struggling to comprehend that it’s over now.
We’ve all got things to look forward to though. Now Tiger is off to University in Huddersfield, Sarina is working at a winery for this year’s harvest and I start work with Oracle again on Monday - back in the same job I left in Melbourne.
Thank you to all the people who’ve made this such a special journey. From everyone who saw us off in Melbourne with such encouragement, to all the people we’ve met in the way who’ve looked after us which such generosity, to the friends and family who’ve greeted us in the UK and made us feel so welcome, and to all the people who read our blog and commented making us feel that we were not alone on our.
Thank you all.
That’s it now,
David, Sarina and Tiger, Tandem plus Tiger
Leaving my sister’s house this morning full of nice coffee and breakfast
The quiet Sussex Countryside where we’re okanning to spend a lot more time
Midhurst, a nice little market town
Crossing the Arun river
…and finally arriving in Worthing…
…and my Mum answering the door