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Sarina McNamara

Sarina’s spent most of her life working in the food retail world, either with large supermarkets or food suppliers. She’s now turned her attention to wine, and once this cycle is over, will be continuing this work in the UK with the growing wine production industry there.

It was Sarina’s idea to head back to the UK on bicycle – let’s hope it still feels like a good idea by the end.


Tiger McNamara

Just out of school, Tiger’s spending his gap year cycling back to the UK, where he hasn't live since he was six years old.

He’s looking forward to studying architecture in the UK and will be relishing the chance to soak up the different cultural styles of the many countries he crosses through on the way there.


David McNamara

David was originally a sailor, competing in 49ers to try to make it to the Sydney Olympics. He then took up cycling and discovered that sport can be a lot of fun and get you to work at the same time. He’s never tried to cycle anywhere near as far as this before though.

At work he’s a designer and product manager, creating the software that helps construction companies create modern projects.