Day 246: Épernay to Rozoy-sur-Serre
/Head for the border
Riding through the vineyards of Champagne
We’ve headed out off Champagne-Ardennes now and we’re perilously close to being in Belgium. We were able to ride through some more Champagne vineyards as we left Épernay, over the chalky hills that form the coveted slopes favoured by the vines.
Champagne money will buy you a nice town, with a balloon in the middle of i
Close planting, short posts, it’s very different to an Australian vineyard
Then it was on to the other city of Champagne — Reims, notable for its enormous cathedral. It’s so large it was easy to see as we approached Reims from the south, towering over the rest of the city.
We had a nice lunch sat in the square and then headed off north again, into the land of small French villages with nothing open.
Reims Cathedral, it’s impressively large
Back into more normal agriculture
“I don’t like the look of those clouds,” says Tiger…
Next thing, the rain starts — only a light smattering though
Not sure if we’ll hit Belgium tomorrow or the day after, but we’re not far off.