Day 244: Troyes to Épernay
/Champagne cycling
A very pleasant day riding through rolling hills with a roaring tailwind. Any slight deviation in course reminded us just how strong the wind was, battling a crosswind on occasions, but it was generally favourable, and very welcome for a pretty long day.
The scenery was beautiful, especially as we climbed through the vineyard clad hills
Early on we had the Canal de Haute Seine to follow, with at least 10km of towpath, traffic free and pan flat
Morning snack was provided by the blackberry bushes
Lunch on the steps of the Hotel de Ville of the deserted town of Fère-Champenoise. Luckily the boulangère and supermarché were open or we’d have been hungry.
Long, straight roads and a howling tailwind
The vines on the chalky hillsides of Champagne
Épernay is very grand — the capital of the Champagne region (but don’t tell Reims)
So, of course, a little local fizz with supper