Day 213: Split to Grebastica

After the thunderstorms of last night Split didn’t take long to repeat the performance this morning. We’d had a (rubbish) coffee on the waterfront and then set off to buy a replacement GoPro mount (I’ve broken 12 now!) when the heavens opened and a deluge commenced. Luckily we had some shelter so I could get the GoPro bits and Sarina and Tiger could play Pooh Sticks in the flash flood that had developed. (Sarina won.)

The waterfront at Split - nice marble, rubbish coffee

The waterfront at Split - nice marble, rubbish coffee

Sarina’s stick wins the Pooh Stick race

Sarina’s stick wins the Pooh Stick race

Riding in the rain - it was a pleasant temperature anyway

Riding in the rain - it was a pleasant temperature anyway

The rain soon abated and we left Split in a light drizzle. We had coffee in a nice seaside town called Kaštel Novi (Newcastle - but not a single a coal mine to be seen) and then on to lunch in a place called Marina. It did have a large marina too, presumably the Marina Marina.

As we carried on along the coast, admiring the beautiful pays and the improving weather we met another cycle tourist, Lennart from Bonn. He’d cycled through the Alps from Salzburg and was nearly at the end of his journey in Split. He rides a British made tandem with his wife or son occasionally so we swapped tales with a kindred spirit.

Meeting Lennart on the road

Meeting Lennart on the road

The coast road was pretty good, although a little narrow. However, it did stay nice and low, skirting the hills inland. We rode a lot further than we had to today, but avoided a lot of climbing that would have been required otherwise.

We’re in a little seaside town full of holidaying families from all over Europe - very pleasant, and Sarina is cooking a masterpiece from the limited selection at the local mini mart.

A nice swim after our ride

A nice swim after our ride
