Day 189: Akrata to Patras

Another beautiful ride


I’m going to start getting repetitive now as we had another beautiful ride along beside the sea. Smooth road, low traffic (it’s Sunday obviously) fantastic views and a few hills to keep it interesting. We even managed to make it to a hotel in plenty of time before the heavens opened.

We had a nice coffee stop in the town of Egio, where everyone else appeared to be having their family meetups for Fathers’ Day. Spending all this time with Tiger is like Fathers’ Day every day — such a treat before he heads off to Uni and forgets about us for a while.


Then lunch was outside yet another supermarket, one with nice picnic benches and everything.

The Byzantino hotEl

The Byzantino hotEl

Our hotel today, the Byzantino in Patras, has given us the most extraordinary room. It’s huge, with separate rooms for Tiger and us, with a big screen between them. Then there’s a bench full of cushions running all the way round, but you could only sit on it if you’re about four feet tall. Very curious, but lovely.

Our hotel room, great, but odd

Our hotel room, great, but odd

As it’s now tipping down outside, I think we’ll be finding the closest restaurant we can!
