Day 169: Biga to Gallipoli
/We’re back in Europe, for good this time
(No Brexit jokes please)
After a brief return to Europe in Bulgaria and northern Turkey, we’d headed back in to Asia through Istanbul. We’ve now crossed the Dardenelle Straights and we’re back in Europe, setting foot in Gallipoli.
A little over 100 years ago, an ANZAC force landed on a beach a few kilometres down the road and discovered the strength and effectiveness of the Ottoman Empire forces on the peninsula had been massively underestimated by their commanders. Amongst their number was my grandad, having enlisted in the ANZACS as he happened to be in Australia when war broke out.
We know no more about his service, just that he has the Gallipoli campaign medal. I’m sure it was every bit as horrendous as one can imagine.
The riding was ideal today - 26°C and practically no wind and a lovely ride through rolling hills again. I may not love it when we’re going up, but it’s fun when we’re going down.
First sight of Gallipoli on the hazy horizon
Setting “tread” on European soil
Gallipoli, or Gelibolu as it is in Turkey, seems like a nice little fishing port. There’s an old castle in the middle and a couple of very busy ferry services to the other side of the Straights. There are also a large number of fish restaurants, one of which will be attracting our custom this evening.
Downtown Gallipoli