Day 91: Gadag to Hubali

We slept too well to get out early this morning and then we spent some time faffing around to try and get some cash. It turned out the ATMs don’t function on a Sunday in Gadag, so we finally got rolling. 

A water stop in a little village that was very happy to see us.  

A water stop in a little village that was very happy to see us.  

We get a lot of requests for selfies as we roll along. We’ve decided to say we’re not stopping but you can take a selfie alongside us as we ride - and many cars and motorbikes have done this. For the first time today a group of guys decided this wasn’t good enough. The parked their bike across the road ahead of us and stood in front of us to stop us. 

To say we weren’t very impressed would be an understatement. We let them know, quite forcibly, that this was dangerous and we set off again. Luckily they took the hint and didn’t try again. 

The boys wanted their selfie and they weren’t taking no for an answer  

The boys wanted their selfie and they weren’t taking no for an answer  

We wanted to stay off the highway today if possible, and Tiger had selected a route on backroads. We maybe got a little too rural at times, with a dirt farm track varying from rideable to not so rideable at times. 

It was great to spend some time in the countryside, for long periods we were alone, a rare experience in India. 


Lunch was back on the highway where we discovered that Marsala, daal and paratha was collectively called “prodah” - although not sure how to spell it. 

Lunch was “prodah” with these guys  

Lunch was “prodah” with these guys  


Finally we made it to our hotel, after battling the headwind for the final 40km, and we had a pool! Our first pool in India, and it was so welcome.  
