Day 74: Thung Wua Laen to Ban Krut

Big rides are a cinch now

Over 100km today, and it seemed pretty easy, even at over 30°C for a lot of the day. Pride comes before a fall - let’s see how we go in the next few days, but I reckon we’re getting into the swing of this. 

Tiger looking for his Nana.  

Tiger looking for his Nana.  

The road today was mainly the Royal  Coast Road, and very deserving of HRH’s patronage in our opinion- it was a lovely ride with a wide cycle lane most of the time. 

On the way we past this view and had to send Tiger back to get the photo - it was too good to miss. 

On the way we past this view and had to send Tiger back to get the photo - it was too good to miss. 

 Lunch by the road was Tom Yum soup, with the most gorgeous pineapple as dessert. Food is a real highlight in Thailand. 

Tonight’s accommodation is pretty interesting. It’s like a tiled garage with a roller door that a Warmshowers host has set us up with. It feels strange to us, but this is how a lot of Thai people live, in little two room units like this. Afraid of mozzies, we’ve pitched our tents inside. 

Oh,and Sarina got some new glasses at Tesco

Oh,and Sarina got some new glasses at Tesco
