Day 44: Genteng to Jember

We rode with a local bike club today! 


We were riding west from Genteng, after a very nice coffee and pastry at the Conato Bakery (our new discovery), when we passed a group of cyclists who’d stopped for a smoko. We waved, and soon after, when we stopped for a fruit stop, they caught up with us. 


We had photos together and explained what we were up to. Then more of their group arrived and we took more photos, and more photos.  


Then we set off up the hill with them, a peloton of about 12 riding together. Of course, when a group of cyclists are all heading the same direction someone always lifts the pace to see if others can match it, and we were soon chasing down the the leaders who’d broken away.  


The other international truth of cycling is that the rider who leads up the first ramp rarely leads by the finish of the hill and some of the initial pace setters started to peel off. Tiger was doing a great job setting a steady pace and soon was leading the bunch.  


Then the star climber showed his hand. THe came passed us, with a young apprentice in tow and set the pace for the rest of the climb, cheerfully clearing traffic for us and waving us on. We felt like royalty being escorted by motorbike outriders!


At the top of the village the remaining riders left us and we continued on, to start the main climb through a volcanic saddle on a twisting switchback road. Luckily it turned out to not be too steep and we ground our way up, to find a very pleasant rest stop and café area at the top.  

As we went to leave the rest stop, we ran into the bike club again. More photos! 

We then had one last climb before a gloriously long descent- only spoiled by a load of cars and trucks with overheating brakes. 


It was then a short, flat stint to Jember and checkin before lunch - a first for us.  

The discovery of the afternoon was Oxy Coin Operated Laundry. The cleanest, smartest and most joyfully staffed launderette you could imagine. All our cycling kit washed, dried and misted with scent in under two hours for under $4 Aussie. Wonderful. They are a national chain - we’ll be returning.