Tandem + Tiger

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Day 100: Ratnagiri to Guhagar

Thali ho! Our century is up

We celebrated our one hundredth day of  riding with our best yet in India. Our route took us along the coastline, on cliffs above blue green ocean before descending to white sand beaches. All in all a splendid day, reigniting the passion for India after some lacklustre day’s. 

We stayed in a lovely “bungalow” by the water last night, with a very helpful host who kept an exceptionally clean and tidy establishment.  

Also there were a family who were very interested in our tandem as the father rode a triple bike with a partially sighted rider. He was very helpful and gave us some good hint and some contacts in case we have any problems. We meet so many kind people on our journey.  

Once we started riding, after a second breakfast stop in Ratnagiri, it was clear we were in for a treat. We were closer to the ocean today and the views were amazing. We topped one cliff and we just had to stop - the view was so good. And there happened to be a woman selling chai and coconuts. Perfect.  

The day did try to burst our bubble as Blue Strawberry celebrated with a mound bang that she had a puncture.  

That’s not a puncture- that’s un petit explosion! 

Finally the landscape became a little less idyllic as we approached the port - but we needed to catch a ferry over the next river. It was just next to a large coal fired power station, so not the best view. ​

Once the ferry arrived we did get 10 minutes of entertainment as a tractor and trailer tried to get off the RORO ferry. That’s “roll on, reverse off” in this case. I’m sure he’d have had it done much quicker if it wasn’t for the mob of experts giving advice. I’ll admit I may have joined in. ​

Finally, he made it.  

We got one with a lot less fuss.  

The final stretch of our journey involved a few vicious hills, including a couple with cobbles or even dirt track.  

This was really steep - 20% on dirt and cobbles! 

We’re safely tucked up in our room tonight, surrounded by the usual washing line and drying kit.  

The laundry that is our bedroom.  

And the thali? We’re pretty much fueled by thalis at present. Lunch and dinner for the last two days have been a thali - it seems to be the thing they do round here, and it works for us. We’ve even pretty much cracked the eating with your hands thing.