Tandem + Tiger

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Day 28: Stuart’s Point to Coffs Harbour

A good chat with our neighbors at the Stuart’s Point Convention Centre campsite meant that we were a little slow getting going this morning - but the people you meet along the way are one of the most interesting things about this journey.

BAnother good person to meet today was Jet,, who I’d ridden with for years in Melbourne. He relocated to Brisbane about two years ago, and was in Urunga in holiday with his family. It was only during planning our day’s ride in the morning that I realised that we would be passing right through Urunga today - at about lunchtime. 

I got in touch with Jet and suggested we meet up for lunch and he was kind enough to invite us round to his caravan.  

Jet laid on a great lunch whilst we watched the Indians showing the Aussies how you play cricket, all in a campsite overlooking a beautiful estuary. However, Sarina just couldn’t get over how clean the wheels on Jet’s caravan were. 

Thanks Jet for a lovely lunch, and a sit down. We could have snoozed in the shade all day if we didn’t have more pressing kilometres to cover.  

​We did experience our second puncture of the trip, with Tiger getting a storage triple perforation in his inner tube. Nothing he can’t sort out with a quick stop under a bridge for shade.

Our target was Coffs Harbour, a large seaside town another 30km up the road​ and we rolled in to town at about 5:30 in plenty of time to get some supper. 

What we didn’t have though was a place to sleep. The campsites all said they were fully booked, as was every other form of accommodation under $500 a night. We did another round of calls to no avail, so decided to head up to a local forest and find a quiet corner to camp in there. ​

However, as we rode through town we passed one of the campsites we’d called in the morning who’d said they were full, and there seemed to be quite a lot of space. We investigated, but with the office now closed we couldn’t check there really was space, so we set up camp in a green shady corner and we’ll sort it out in the morning. ​