Tandem + Tiger

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Day 178: Methoni to Paralia Panteleimonos

Drizzly beach weather​

Quiet roads, lovely views

After a quiet start to the day we stopped in the small village of Makrigialos fro breakfast. Like the whole of Greece, this seaside town seems to be just about to start its holiday season. Everything is just about ready to go, but nobody is here yet. 

Breakfast opposite the Post Office

As we made our way further down the coast we came across another family on bikes coming the other way. They had three children on bicycles and one in a bike seat – we can only imagine how hard this makes the task. We wish we’d stopped to chat now, but we were hareing down a hill at the time and they were gone by too fast.

As we continued down the coast we found out the some of the tourists had arrived. For the first time we saw the umbrella strewn beaches crowded with beachgoers. I’ve a feeling they were mainly Russian, if the number of fur coat shops around the town was anything to go by.

Beaches, and a bike path (for about 900m)

A spot of rain soon cleared the beaches

Then, with a greasy covering of drizzle on the roads, we had our first big crash on asphalt. We started making a right turn and it felt like we were on ice. The front wheel went away and Sarina and I were suddenly on the ground. Tiger managed to slow a lot having seen us go down, but he still had a bit of a slip, although he was able to stay upright.

Sarina and I are ok, although we both have scrapes on our elbows and Sarina has a small cut on her head.

The dangerous corner. In a second we’re going to be on the ground.

We’re resting up for tonight in a hotel — camping in the drizzle suddenly didn’t seem such a good idea. I’m sure we’ll be find tomorrow.